SEMI encourages professionals from its member organisations and external organisations to demonstrate their interest in actively participating at the SEMICON EUROPA programs 2021 by submitting under the general theme of the expo “SEMICON EUROPA – FORWARD AS ONE”.

    We are particularly interested in projects for:

    • Advancements of semiconductors in medical devices and in automotive
    • Enabling smart manufacturing and new processes for fab automation
    • The role of the semiconductor industry in enabling adoption of new technology and addressing bottlenecks in new technology adoption
    • Technology readiness vs. deployment
    • Semiconductor contributions to a sustainable future
    • Advancements in materials of all types – gases, chemicals, substrates, masks, coatings, encapsulants, adhesives, etc. – as an essential part of the fabrication of semiconductor devices
    • Power electronics and devices for broad applications
    • Smart manufacturing – hardware and software solutions
    • Trusted electronics
    • What´s next? – high performance computing, edge computing, advanced sensing technologies

    General guidelines:

    • Please submit your abstract, biography and a photo by 28th June 2021. Abstracts submitted via other methods will generally not be accepted.
    • The expo language is English.
    • The abstract should have between 250 and 500 words (Starting with descriptive paragraph identifying issue addressed and solution). Please focus on the news instead of describing state-of-the-art.
    • Abstract modifications, changes and corrections will be accepted until 15 July 2021.
    • Selected presenters will be notified by end of July 2021.

    Your presentation may not be included in the review process unless the information is complete. Evaluation criteria include significance, usefulness for the semiconductor world and clarity and accuracy as a paper. Abstracts will be peer-reviewed and selected relative to the points above. We encourage application related presentations, i.e. on joint projects between users and suppliers. Papers are to be non-commercial and focus on the technical/economical merits of a process rather than the individual company’s product benefits.




    Contact Pantelitsa Markus at [email protected]
    Official website

