Networking Grants – The Academy of Medical Sciences

    Networking Grants

    The awards provide up to £25,000 over one year to support collaborations between researchers in other countries and the UK, and to hold networking events aimed at strengthening global research capacity.

    Key dates

    Round one is closed. 

    Round two will open on 4 September 2024.


    The Networking Grants scheme allows researchers from across disciplines and countries, working with researchers based in the UK, to hold networking events, forge new links and generate innovative transdisciplinary research ideas. Our goal is that these new networks will be well positioned to compete for larger grants offered in the future. The scheme has two funding streams: one for a selection of developed countries, and another for a selection of countries on the Development Assistance Committee (DAC) list of Official Development Assistance (ODA) recipients, to include the Least Developed Countries. Please see the tabs below for more information on each stream.


    More Information:

