Horizon 2020 Green Deal Call

    Horizon 2020 Green Deal 計畫徵求已結束

    徵求時間:2020/9/22-2021/1/26 17:00:00 Brussels time


    Area1:Increasing Climate Ambition: Cross sectoral challenges

    Area2: Clean, affordable and secure energy

    Area3: Industry for a clean and circular economy

    Area4: Energy and resource efficient buildings

    Area5: Sustainable and smart mobility

    Area6: Farm to Fork

    Area7: Ecosystems and Biodiversity



    Area8: Zero-pollution, toxic free environment

    Area9: Strengthening our knowledge in support of the European Green Deal

    Area10: Empowering citizens for the transition towards a climate neutral, sustainable Europe


    Enabling citizens to act on climate change, for sustainable development and environmental protection through education, citizen science, observation initiatives, and civic engagement


    In each Green Deal call area, the following number of proposals were received: 

    在各Green Deal call領域收到之計畫書數量統計:

    1. Increasing climate ambition : 101
    2. Clean, affordable and secure energy : 256
    3. Industry for a clean and circular economy : 108
    4. Energy and resource efficient buildings: 115
    5. Sustainable and smart mobility: 44
    6. Farm to fork: 260
    7. Biodiversity and ecosystems: 72
    8. Zero-pollution, toxic-free environments: 115
    9. Strenghtening knowledge : 106
    10. Empowering citizens : 373
