
    Dr. Huei-Wen Chen
    Professor, National Taiwan University (NTU)
    Dr. Valentina Trapani
    2022 Joint Call Secretariat Alliance Against Cancer, Italy
    Dr. Silvia Paradisi
    Project Manager of TRANSCAN-3, Research Coordination and Support Service at the Italian National Institute of Health (ISS)
    Dr. Chia-Wen (Kevin) Wu
    Professor, National Taiwan University (NTU)
    Dr. Fabienne Nikowitz
    M-ERA.NET Call Secretariat, Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG)
    Dr. Roland Brandenburg
    Coordinator of the M-ERA.NET, Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG)
    Ms. Maria Bianco
    2022 Joint Call Secretariat Water4All, DG for Internationalization and Communication at the Italian Ministry of Universities and Research
    Dr. Miguel Angel Gilarranz
    Vice Chair, Water4All, Full Professor, Chemical Engineering at University Autonoma de Madrid
    Dr. Hella Lichtenberg
    German Aerospace Center (DLR)
    Dr. Christina Müller
    German Aerospace Center (DLR)
