展望歐洲資訊日 – Bio&簡報下載

    2022/10/06 臺歐盟展望歐洲資訊日

    Horizon Europe Info Day @Taiwan



    資訊載點(掃描QR Code或點擊圖片進入)


    11:00~12:00 臺歐盟計畫簡介

    簡介Horizon Europe 2021-2024年Cluster1-Cluster6的計畫徵求案(Call)。

    15:00-17:30 歐盟大型專案分組說明會


    【場次一】 15:30-16:30

    Biodiversa+ [https://www.biodiversa.org/]

    Biodiversa+ and the BiodivMon Call

    Building collaborative research projects across geographical and disciplinary boundaries

    Vice Chair, Biodiversa+
    International Scientific Project Officer, Biodiversa+ Operational Team / French Agency for Research (ANR)
    Senior Lecturer, Lund University (LUCSUS)

    Introduction to CHIST-ERA

    The JTC 2022

    Experience Sharing

    Project Manager of TRANSCAN-3, Research Coordination and Support Service at the Italian National Institute of Health (ISS)
    Professor, National Taiwan University (NTU)
    M-ERA.NET Call Secretariat, Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG)
    Coordinator of the M-ERA.NET, Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG)

    Introduction to the ERA-NET NEURON-general overview

    The Transnational research funding in NEURON

    Training options and workshops in NEURON

    2022 Joint Call Secretariat Water4All, DG for Internationalization and Communication at the Italian Ministry of Universities and Research
    Vice Chair, Water4All, Full Professor, Chemical Engineering at University Autonoma de Madrid
    Vice Chair, Biodiversa+


    Water4All [https://water4all-partnership.eu/]

    Introduction to Water4All

    The JTC 2022

    German Aerospace Center (DLR)
    Coordinator of the ERA-NET NEURON, German Aerospace Center (DLR)

    M-ERA-NET [https://m-era.net/]

    ERA-NET for research and innovation on materials and battery technologies, supporting the European Green Deal

    Joint Calls: procedures, statistics and monitoring

    Experience Sharing

    Coordinator of the M-ERA.NET, Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG)
    M-ERA.NET Call Secretariat, Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG)
    Professor, National Taiwan University (NTU)

    Introduction to TRANSCAN-3

    Joint Transnational Calls

    Experience Sharing

    Project Manager of TRANSCAN-3, Research Coordination and Support Service at the Italian National Institute of Health (ISS)
    2022 Joint Call Secretariat Alliance Against Cancer, Italy
    Professor, National Taiwan University (NTU)

    17:30-18:30 臺歐盟計畫申請說明


