Thirty-four Funding Agencies from all over Europe and abroad are pleased to announce a joint transnational call for research and innovation projects on “Management of water resources: resilience, adaptation and mitigation to hydroclimatic extreme events and management tools “.
1 – Resilience, adaptation and mitigation to hydroclimatic extreme events
2 – Tools for water management in the context of hydroclimatic extreme events
3 – Improved water governance in the context of hydroclimatic extreme events and international contexts
1st September 2022: Call opening
31st October 2022: Submission Deadline of pre-proposals
10th January 2023: Selection of pre-proposals
20th March 2023: Submission Deadline of full proposals
6th June 2023: Selection of proposals
Autumn 2023: Projects Kick-off/ start
Consult the call announcement, the list of funding partner organisations and national contact points, as well as national/regional regulations available for download on the call webpage!
An Information Webinar for applicants will be held on Friday 23rd September 2022 from 14.00-15.30 CEST. More information for registration will come soon!
To know more about the European Water4All partnership click here

- 10 9 月, 2022